91 lines
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91 lines
2.2 KiB
/// Create a C exportable enum. These are useful for working with C FFIs.
/// As C has no idea about tuples or structs enums
/// using this macro must only contain Unit variants.
macro_rules! c_enum
$(#[$attribute: meta])* enum $name: ident : $fieldType: ty
$(#[$variantAttribute: meta])*
variant $variant: ident = $value: expr
} =>
pub enum $name
$($(#[$variantAttribute])* $variant = $value,)*
impl $name
/// Generate a variant of the enum from a given value.
/// This is not very performant. Becareful when using this
/// to not use this in a high performance loop.
pub fn from_value(val: $fieldType) -> Option<$name>
match val
$($value => { Some($name::$variant) })*
_ => { None }
/// 'true', if the given value matches a variant
/// of the enumeration; Otherwise, 'false'.
pub fn is_valid_value(val: $fieldType) -> bool
match $name::from_value(val)
Some(_) => { true }
None => { false }
/// Turn an enum variant into a value.
pub fn to_value(&self) -> $fieldType
match *self
$($name::$variant => {$value})*
/// Get a str representation of this variant.
pub fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str
match *self
$($name::$variant => {stringify!($variant)})*
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for $name
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result
::std::fmt::Display::fmt(self, f)
impl ::std::fmt::Display for $name
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result
write!(f, "{}", self.to_str())